These production metrics exceed even the highly developed ethanolfermentation process.
Uso de alcoholic fermentation em inglês
This is not due to the absence of key enzymes of alcoholicfermentation.
Fundamentally beer is the product of the alcoholicfermentation by yeast of extracts of malted barley.
Its important source lies in its formation by the ''spirituous'' or '' alcoholicfermentation'' of saccharine juices.
Judging from the results, Professor Erni believes 'that alcoholicfermentation is caused by the development of fungi.
We ourselves, for the reasons, mentioned, did not obtain a simple alcoholicfermentation any more than Liebig did.
This alcoholicfermentation by-product is highly detrimental to wine quality and, in some cases, levels may even exceed legal limits.
This paper reviews the current status with respect to alcoholicfermentation of the main plant biomass-derived monosaccharides by this yeast.
Oxygen is not a key factor in this phenomenon since under oxygen limitation alcoholicfermentation of maltose was not triggered.
By a rare accident we might get the true alcoholicfermentation, but the odds against obtaining it would be enormous.
These two fungal genes may be applicable to metabolic engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the alcoholicfermentation of hemicellulosic materials.
However, the use of starter needs to better understand the effect of the interaction between starter and native microorganisms during alcoholicfermentation.
The enzyme is easily mass-produced in aerobic glucose-limited fed-batch cultures, in which the specific growth rate is controlled to prevent alcoholicfermentation.
He was a chemist, and the work in which he was now engaged was the study of alcoholicfermentation in vinous liquors.
Respiration and alcoholicfermentation occurred simultaneously and the catabolite fluxes through these processes were dependent on the magnitude of the oxygen feed.
These are remarkable facts, which are, however, at present but vaguely connected with the alcoholicfermentation of sugar by means of yeast.
The mechanism of alcoholicfermentation is discussed in the article FERMENTATION, and the manufacture of alcohol from fermented liquors in the article SPIRITS.